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Useful Ways on How to Stop Panic Attacks

by admin on January 17th, 2011

Panic attack, also known as anxiety attack, is an episode of intense anxiety that can cause the physical sensations of fear such as shortness of breath, dizziness, trembling, racing heartbeat and muscle tension. This disorder affects nearly 20 million people in the world with many sufferers focused on ways on how to stop panic attacks.

To help you out, below are some useful ways on how to stop panic attacks.

1. It is really important that you consult a health expert and tell him about your symptoms. With this, any medical condition can be treated once it has been ruled out. Unfortunately, even if the medical condition has already been ruled out, there is no easy way out in making the symptoms disappear. However, with diligence in following the doctor’s advice, you can surely make your way out of this disorder.

2. As much as possible, avoid taking in excessive caffeine and sugar as this will make you more hyper than usual.

3. Doing exercise can also be a big help for your mental health. This is because exercise helps in reducing stress and less stress means less tension in the body, therefore, you will experience lesser panic. The best exercise to stop panic attacks is cardio and yoga. Cardio exercises can help improve your heart rate as well as give you a good sweat while yoga can help you attain more balance and flexibility.

4. Along with a good exercise is meditation. Meditation is not really scary. In fact, it can help you become more aware of what you are thinking and can help you identify what thoughts you are thinking that can usually trigger the panic attack. If you are still new to meditation, you can also read books or listen to audio tapes to help you out.

5. Another way to stop panic attacks is by acknowledging its occurrence. Panic usually exists due to fear and it gets stronger because you fear it. To solve this, inform someone and say it out loud that you are suffering from an anxiety attack. By doing this, you will most likely remove the stigma and fear that you are feeling.

6. Now, when you think that you are going to have an anxiety attack some time during the day, try to wear a rubber band on your wrist. And when you feel the beginnings of the attack and feel like you are out of control, try snapping the rubber band. This would jolt you and bring you back into reality. Repeat this several times as well as assure yourself that you are safe. However, if the rubber band trick does not work out for you; try pinching yourself in order to help prevent the anxiety cycle from building up.

7. Another way to stop panic attacks, which may also be the hardest step of all is through facing your fear. Remember, if you always try to avoid the situation, the anxiety will never disappear; it will always remain dormant inside you. That is why it may be advisable that you immense yourself to the situation where you are anxious about. If you try to face your fear and deal with it, you can then take control of it. Try doing it several times in order to get used to the situation and praise yourself every time you have accomplished it. Most importantly, when doing this kind of practice, you can always remind yourself that no mater how anxious you were on that situation, somehow, you have managed to survive. The goal here is not to let you suffer more from panic attacks but to let you confront your fear and make the situation become easier and easier as the situation permits.

From → Mood Disorders

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