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Treatments For Panic Attacks When Sleeping

by admin on September 24th, 2010

Many sufferers have found relief through meditation. In meditation, you simply sit or lay in a comfortable position, empty your mind or focus your thoughts on pleasant things, perhaps focus on breathing, and let yourself relax.

Visualization is another way. Visualization is very much like meditating. You need an area that you can comfortably lie down and close your eyes. You should envision your body being washed over by a white light. The flow of this light should continue from your feet up your legs at an a steady rate. Each segment of your body becomes completely relaxed as the light closes in and then reaches it.

Another preventive treatment for panic attacks which you might attempt is stretching. A better night of sleep has been proven to be the result when your muscles are fully at ease.

Muscle spasms that are known to disrupt people’s sleep patterns in the evenings can often be reduced or stopped through a simple 10 minute regimen of light stretching.

Deep breathing is another practice that may help to ease your panic attacks. To start a deep breathing session, sit in a comfortable position while keeping your back upright. Focus on your breathing, and take deep and natural breaths. As each breath leaves your body, allow your tension and stress go out with it.

What you drink before going to sleep is another thing you should notice. You may want to switch to ordinary water if your likelihood is to drink coffee, soda, tea or alcohol before going to bed.

The reason is that alcohol and caffeine can keep you up, and that reaction may be prolonged until you’re asleep, when it will awaken you and interrupt your night’s sleep.

Finding and getting busy in something enjoyable before going to bed is another worthy ideal. This could be any number of things for example listening to music, light reading or watching a little television. Anything that allows you to ease the strain of the day.

Each of these tips should be able to get you feeling relaxed, so be sure to give them a go. Seeing your doctor is your next step if all else fails.

Identifying the Problem’s Source

The source of the problem will determine which treatments for panic attacks when sleeping will be useful. Cognitive therapy may be the answer if you have a childhood trauma buried deep within your subconscious.

Medication is often the answer for panic attacks when sleeping. Regulating the normal operation of your brain is the main function of these antidepressants. These pharmaceuticals correct the low serotonin levels in the brain, a major cause of anxiety and depression.

Of course, prevention is always the best treatment for panic attacks when sleeping.

From → Anxiety

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