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Tips for Stopping Panic Attacks

by admin on December 21st, 2010

The set of individuals encountering panic disorder are vulnerable to steady panic attacks. Individuals who are suffering from this condition are always convinced that they are about to die, when in reality they are in no physical danger. The individual may think that there is something physically faulty with them until they are given the proper diagnosis of panic. Below are three practical and proved tips for stopping panic attacks.

1. Identify the triggers. Another significant part of occupational medical care is learning what particular events trigger these panic. Certain events and situations can trigger panic disorder. The purpose of occupational therapist is not for the patient to avoid these situations, but instead aids them to be prepared for them. Immediately the patient understands the situation which cause them to have panic, they can use techniques learned from the therapist to remain calm and avoid having another attack.

2. Techniques to use. There are two techniques that are used by therapists to aid in treating panic. They are relaxation exercises and exposure techniques. The first exposes the people to what they fear slowly to aid them defeat it. For an example, a person who is scared that their panic attacks might kill them may have a panic attack stimulated to demonstrate to them there is nothing to be scared of. Relaxation exercises can be utilized by the sufferer to aid them stay still when they feel they are going to encounter panic.

3. When therapy fails. In most cases, panic disorder can be treated without making use of medications. In some situations, antidepressants can be used to treat panic problems. The antidepressants will not only hinder the panic from happening, but they will also help in tackling the depression that can sometime come with panic disorder.

From → Mood Disorders

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