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Panic Attack Disorder – Serious Psychological Disorders That Can Affect Anyone

by admin on March 11th, 2011

There are many psychological disorders out there that can affect people in a profound way. Most psychological disorders are indiscriminate, it can affect almost anyone: men, women, the elderly, and even children. Although some psychological disorders, such as panic attack disorder and generalized anxiety disorder, actually fall under the category anxiety disorders, there is one thing in common with psychological disorders though; all sufferers will most certainly face major challenges in their day to day lives. For individuals who are fortunate enough to not have such psychological disorders will hopefully find that understanding these mental illnesses can help them get a better appreciation of what sufferers are going through every day.

One particular psychological disorder that is more common than most people think is a disorder called Generalized Anxiety Disorder, otherwise known as GAD. Generalized anxiety disorder is, pretty much, self explanatory, don’t you think? Individuals who suffer from this condition can manifest symptoms of fear from a variety of situations, objects, or even other individuals. As the name suggests, the sufferer’s fear is generalized, meaning they could fear a different number of things. Symptoms of such form of disorder can include muscle tension, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating or focusing on a particular task. The mentioned symptoms alone will make you think about what it must feel like waking up every day with this condition. For the condition to be diagnosed as a disorder, the symptoms must continue to manifest for more than six months. The symptoms should be serious enough that it is interfering with the sufferer’s daily life. The treatment for this type of condition can vary from anti-anxiety medications to therapy, which teaches the sufferer how to deal with stress in order to get a grip on the symptoms.

Schizophrenia is another serious psychological illness that despite its significant gain in popularity through the media, very few people really understand. There are many different symptoms when it comes to schizophrenia. However, among the most basic of symptoms may include paranoia, hallucinations, hearing voices, and delusions. Treatment for this kind of mental condition requires a daily dose of antipsychotics, which can only be prescribed by a psychiatrist. People who are schizophrenic must stay on their medication; otherwise the symptoms will only get worse. Untreated schizophrenia can lead to the sufferer being completely lost within his or her own reality. Being detached from reality can have serious consequences. Although fairly uncommon, some schizophrenics can become violent if left untreated.

Anxiety disorder, sometimes known as panic attack disorder, is a psychological condition that is quite common among adolescents and full grown adults. Individuals who have this type of condition suffer from frequent panic attacks. This form of disorder can have serious effects on the individual’s day to day life since the condition can be quite debilitating. The attacks are usually caused by anxieties that the individual may have for a long time. Most of us may have experienced a panic attack once or twice in our lives, but people with a serious disorder will experience panic attacks more frequently, sometimes three to four times a week. The frequency alone is enough to disrupt the way of life of any individual.

From → Mood Disorders

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