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Change Your Mood in 5 Easy Steps

by admin on February 24th, 2011

5 Easy ways to change your mood

We all get in a rut, a bad mood, and here are five easy ways when you find that you are caught up in that mood for you to stop, and get out of that mood quickly. Winter Blues in particular are a problem in the Midwest and across the country. However, don’t just think this happens in the winter, people suffer with depression and mood issues all year long.

The first and maybe the most difficult for some is to get up and go exercise. I understand that it maybe difficult in the winter to go outside, but if you can even for ten minutes you can how you feel in an instant. If going outside is out of the question, then do 25 lunges each leg and find a bench or step and step up each leg 10 times each. Just working out for ten minutes at a time will give you the start to strength training and give you some health benefits.

Second is getting a good night sleep. Stick to a schedule and don’t eat before bed, but if you are having trouble falling asleep sometimes a warm glass of milk will help calm you down to rest easier.

Third, try not to drink more alcohol. Many times in the winter people will reach for an extra glass of alcohol, try a cup of tea or sparkling water instead. Besides packing on extra calories, alcohol will not help you sleep any better.

Forth, and my favorite, dab a bit of peppermint oil on your pulse points! Aromatherapy can instantly improve your state of mind. You can take a whiff or put a little on for all day relief!

Lastly, eat smart. Foods loaded with vitamins may help with stress, but they will certainly help with heart and other organs keeping them healthy. Remember, you only get one set of organs and as of right now, no doctors are “face-lifting” organs per say. Keep them strong and healthy and that will certainly improve your mood!

From → Mood Disorders

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